Prizes Shop Participation

Want to understand how the Prize Shop works? You're in the right place! This page contains information about rules and guidelines of the Prizes section and outlines everything you need to know in order to make a purchase! Be sure to read through the whole page carefully as it contains a lot of important information.

Wi-Fi Points (WP) are a type of currency we have in Wi-Fi that you can use to spend on valuable Pokémon and items from our Prize Shop! WP is earned through participation in Small Events and Tournaments throughout the month. Build up your WP count as high as you can and buy those rare prizes... or some Rare Pokeballs if you prefer!

Prize Shop Rules:
  1. All sales are FINAL! No exchanges or refunds except in special cases. You cannot refund a purchase that has already been delivered to you.
  2. Item purchases are limited to a total of 30 (thirty) items per month. No exceptions, you cannot order >30 items.
  3. Delivery times are dependant on distributor availability. Sticking around consistently after your purchase helps achieve a swift delivery!
  4. Incorrectly filled orders may be deleted and/or ignored without warning! Be sure to fill in the form correctly so that your order does not get thrown in the trash.
  5. Points are reset to a maximum of 15 at the end of every month at a specified date (the WP reset). WP reset typically occurs on the first Wednesday of every new month
  6. Pokémon listed in the prize shop will not come with proof. This means you cannot trade the Pokémon that need proof in the room as they are intended to be rare and exclusive prizes.
  7. Please allow up to two weeks for your order to be delivered before contacting a member of the prizes team.. If we cannot find you to give you your prize within 30 days, your order will be cancelled without a refund!
  8. Any questions or concerns about the prizes section can be directed to Appletun a la Mode or SexyMalasada.

Prize Shop FAQ:
  • When does the WP reset occur?
  • Typically the WP reset happens on the first Wednesday of every new month, this is subject to change, but will always be announced in the room through an rfaq.

  • Will I still receive my order that I placed before the reset?
  • Yes! If you have placed an order before the reset, and had enough WP at the time, we will take this into account and still process your order, even if the reset has already occured.

  • I ordered the wrong Pokemon! What can I do?
  • Contact a Prize Leader to provide more information, please provide the ID of the prize you ordered and the prize you intended to order.

  • I haven't been online for a month, can I still get my prize order?
  • Orders are deleted if we cannot find you within 30 days, if you have a valid reason for not coming online for a long time period, or a distributor did not reach out to you despite you being present in the room, reach out to a Prize Leader to see if they can further assist.

  • Can I ask an approved cloner to clone a shop prize?
  • Yes, but keep in mind that some prizes may need proof to trade in Wi-Fi, given that prizes do not come with proof, this means you will be limited to cloning prizes that do not require any proof to trade in the room.

  • I submitted an order twice, or by accident, what should I do?
  • Contact a prize leader and explain which order was submitted in error to see what they can do to help.

  • Can I send WP to a friend?
  • You can send a total of 10 WP per month to a user of your choice, this is a service that is offered out of kindness and ultimately falls at the discretion of Wi-Fi Roomstaff. See /rfaq WP transfer for more information.

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