Room Rules

This page contains important information about the rules of the chatroom. Read through all of the information carefully if you plan to participate in activities and discussions in the room.

Disclaimer: The final verdict of any moderation action will always remain at the discretion of Wi-Fi /roomstaff. If you have any questions or concerns about a moderation action, contact a member of the Room Staff team.

The Hacked Pokémon Rule:


Trading self-hacked Pokémon, including those that come from misuse of third-party tools or applications will be evaluated by staff on a case-by-case basis.
  1. If we believe this was an act of carelessness or ignorance, you will be met with a blacklist with the chance to appeal 6 months from the date of the blacklist.
  2. If we believe this was an act of malice, you will be met with a blacklist with no chance to appeal, this will last 12 months from the date of the blacklist.
Trading any hacked Pokémon once will result in a roomban in most cases, and multiple counts of trading hacked Pokémon will result in more severe punishments, such as a weekban or blacklist. This rule extends to knowingly trading suspicious Pokémon from outside sources that are found to be hacked.

Do not offer, ask for, or discuss hacking in Wi-Fi or in private messages. If you are found to be trading Pokémon you have edited/created in any way, you will be punished with a room blacklist for self-hacking Pokémon. If you have been offered a hacked Pokémon from a user in the room, be sure to report it to a member of /roomstaff immediately!

More information Hacking discussion includes, but is not limited to:
  1. External tools or applications.
  2. In-game glitches.
  3. Internal or external modification of cartridges.
  4. Use of modified ROMs, game patches & ROM hacks.
  5. Exploits used to defy game mechanics, such as AltWFC.
Hacking Pokémon includes, but is not limited to:
  1. Any edits to Pokémon data using glitches or third party tools and applications.
  2. Using improper cloning methods that alter Pokémon data.
  3. Save file "patches" that result in RNG seeds that create impossible results and/or render the Pokémon/Save file illegitimate.
  4. Internal or external modification of cartridges.
  5. Incorrect Wonder Card injection.

The Scammer Rule:
Scamming once leads to a blacklist, and multiple counts of scamming will result in a permanent blacklist. This rule is straight and narrow, do not attempt to scam anybody.

A scam is defined by a trade that did not meet the agreement between both concerned parties. For example, lying about IVs or a Pokémon's origin. Conducting a giveaway and not giving the winner their Pokémon is also considered a scam.

The Poor Presence Rule:
If you have received a blacklist for exceptionally poor behavior and/or presence you will not be given the opportunity to appeal. If you have sufficient evidence to suggest your blacklist was unjustified, contact a Room Owner or submit a blacklist appeal by clicking the button directly below. (Use the /roomstaff wi-fi command to find an active Room Owner)

Blacklist Appeal Form

Consider the rules listed above as the golden rules of the Showdown Wi-Fi room.

Chat Rules

Interested in participating in site discussions? Be sure to read through the chat rules first! The information listed here will provide you with everything you need to know.

1. Follow the Global Rules when participating in discussions on the site.

Contact a member of Global Staff with any questions or concerns about global moderation.

Global Rules

2. Do not discuss moderation actions in the chat.

Any questions or concerns about room moderation can be directed towards a member of Room Staff in private messages. Avoid broadcasting your moderation concerns in the main chatroom.

3. Do not spam, flood, or abuse formatting.

Avoid abusing CAPS, Bold, Italics, >Greentext, etc. Posting Trade/Raid/Union Circle codes in the chat is also considered spam.

Keep trade posts/multiplayer requests once per page, leave approximately 20 lines between trade posts. If your post is still on screen then community members can still see it, and spacing out requests helps to reduce clutter.

This rule extends to private messages, abusing formatting or spamming users in private messages (Including the offline messaging feature) may result in punishment.

4. Do not discuss inappropriate or controversial topics.

This includes but is not limited to topics such as politics, religion, race, gender, or sexuality. This is a Pokémon chatroom, keep it friendly, keep it fun.

This rule extends to making inappropriate comments towards user contribution, such as insulting active Giveaway because the Pokémon does not meet your general standard.

5. No off-topic links or content.

You may post links that are relevant to active room discussions, avoid posting off content links, continually posting off-topic links will be treated in the same regard as spamming.

For on-topic links, add a caption or short description to explain the content inside. Images can be shared using the /requestshow command.

6. No self-promotion or advertisement.

Do not advertise for other servers, channels, tournaments, giveaways, streams, etc. unaffiliated with Showdown; or Smogon.

You may ask people to PM you to join a league; however do not post any links in the room.

7. No unapproved cloning.

You cannot clone a Pokémon for another user without being a member of the approved cloners team. Click the link to find out more information on how to become an approved cloner.

This includes "keeping one for yourself" or "sending back the original". Do not attempt to circumvent cloning rules.

8. Do not host giveaways of disallowed Pokémon or services.

See the Giveaway Rules for more information.

9. No spoilers.

Try to keep the room free from story spoilers for 1 month after the release of a new game, unless otherwise stated. This does not mean head over to Pokémon Games to post spoilers. This room also enforces spoiler rules which may be different than ours; be mindful of different rooms having different rules.

Looking for the Trade Rules? Click me!
Looking for the Proof Guidelines? Click me!
Looking for the Giveaway Rules? Click me!