Proofing Guidelines

This page contains an overview of the types of high value Pokémon that require proof to trade in the Wi-Fi room. Read through all of the information on this page carefully before trading high value Pokémon.

  1. The proof guidelines are not up for debate inside the Wi-Fi room.
    • If you have a strong argument that a certain section is lacking or should be revisited, contact a staff member in private.
  2. You must provide proof if proof is requested by a staff member.
    • Failure to provide proof for an offered Pokémon may result in punishment.

What is proof?

In a nutshell, proof helps to ensure that a Pokémon has been legitimately obtained. Certain high value Pokémon will require proof to be traded around in the PS! Wi-Fi room. The detailed list of which Pokémon require proof can be found below.

About IV spreads:

Optimal IV spreads are either defined as perfect or flawless. In most cases, the amount of significant IVs a Pokémon has will determine if it requires proof, along with other variables like shiny status and general rarity/exclusivity.

  • Perfect - A spread that has 6 significant IVs.
  • Flawless - A spread that has IVs that have been optimized for competitive battle.
  • Significant - Values of 0, 30 & 31 (Values of 1 in Generation 7 or earlier as well)

IV spreads are listed in the following order HP/ATK/DEF/SPA/SPD/SPE. An unknown value can be listed as X in tradesheets, giveaway forms, etc.

Examples of "perfect" & "flawless" spreads: Physical Attackers:
  • 31/31/31/0/31/31 | 6 IV Perfect physical attacking IV spread.
  • 31/31/31/0/31/0 | 6 IV Perfect physical attacking Trick Room IV spread.
  • 31/31/31/x/31/31 | 5 IV Flawless physical attacking IV spread.
  • 31/31/31/x/31/0 | 5 IV Flawless physical attacking Trick Room IV spread.
Special Attackers:
  • 31/0/31/31/31/31 | 6 IV Perfect special attacking IV spread.
  • 31/0/31/31/31/0 | 6 IV Perfect special attacking Trick Room IV spread.
  • 31/x/31/31/31/31 | 5 IV Flawless special attacking IV spread.
  • 31/x/31/31/31/0 | 5 IV Flawless special attacking Trick Room IV spread.
Unique Examples:
  • 0/0/0/0/0/0 | Meme spread, typically found on Ditto; this would contribute a total of 6 perfect IVs. A flawless (0/1/30/31) IV in any spot contributes towards the max IV total.
  • 31/31/15/x/31/0 | 5 perfect IVs + Lonely nature; Trick Room Stakataka optimized for Beast Boost to boost Attack.
  • 3/3/3/3/3/3 | 6 perfect Effort Levels in Legends: Arceus. An effort level value of 3 after initial capture is the same as a full 31 IV.

Click here for details on creating a proof album in any game! (Proofing Checklist)

Does my Pokémon need proof?

This section of the page covers the types of Pokémon that require proof in each generation. If your Pokémon meets the standard of anything listed below, you must be able to provide proof to trade inside the PS! Wi-Fi room.

All Generations:
Encounters & Gifts with 0 guaranteed IVs:
  • 4 IV+ shiny Pokémon
  • 5 IV+ non-shiny Pokémon
  • 6 IV Ditto
Encounters & Gifts with 3 guaranteed IVs:
  • 5 IV+ shiny Pokémon
  • 6 IV or flawless non-shiny Pokémon
  • 6 IV Ditto
Encounters refer to all wild/stationary/roaming encounters, gifts refers to in-game gift Pokemon (e.g Cosmog in Gen 7).
Event distributions:
  • 4 IV+ Pokémon with 0 guaranteed IVs
  • 6 IV or flawless Pokémon with 3 or more guaranteed IVs
  • "Sometimes shiny" shiny event Pokémon
  • Nicknamed Pokémon from event distributions
Events with fixed values (IVs, Nature, etc), such as guaranteed 6IV shiny Eternatus or HOME Melmetal, do not need proof.

Other Specifics:
Switch Titles:
  • 6 IV Pokémon from Tera Raids (SV)
  • 6 IV Pokémon from Max Raids (SwSh)
  • 6 IV Pokémon from Dynamax Adventures (SwSh)
  • Wild Shiny Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres from Overworld-based encounters (LGPE)
3DS Titles:
  • Shiny Pokémon from 1% chance SOS chain encounters
  • 5 IV+ Pokémon from an SOS encounter
  • 5 IV+ Shiny Pokémon from a Friend Safari or DexNav wild encounter
  • 6 IV Pokémon from a Friend Safari or DexNav wild encounter
DS & GBA Titles:
  • 5 IV+ Pokémon hatched from eggs
  • 4 IV+ Shiny Pokémon hatched from eggs
GameCube Titles:
  • Shiny Wishmaker or Channel Jirachi
  • Any Channel Jirachi/Ageto Celebi/COLOS Pikachu with 4 or more significant IVs
Virtual Console:
  • 6 IV Pokémon from PokéTransporter.
  • Shiny Pokémon of any kind.
  • Shiny Mythical Pokémon of any kind.
  • 5 IV+ Shiny Pokémon of any kind.
  • 6 IV Legendary/Mythical Pokémon.

Untradable Pokémon

The following Pokémon cannot be traded in the Wi-Fi room at all:

GBA Titles:
  • Pokémon from in-life event distributions.
This rule is in place due to ineffective methods of proving these types of Pokémon.
3DS Titles:
  • Shiny Pokémon that were transferred from 3DS to HOME that qualify for the Jumbo OR Teensy mark when transferred to Scarlet/Violet.
  • Legendary & Mythical Pokémon that were transferred from 3DS to HOME that qualify for the Jumbo OR Teensy mark when transferred to Scarlet/Violet.
The Jumbo/Teensy mark rule is in place due to ineffective methods of proving these types of Pokémon.
Switch Titles:
  • 6 IV Pokémon from in-life event distributions.
  • Any Link Trade origin Egg (including Pokémon hatched from such Eggs)
  • Shiny Pokémon from event/promotional Watchtower Max Raid distributions. (SwSh)
  • 6 IV Pokémon from any type of encounters in Legends: Arceus. (Unless you are able to prove exact IV count via RNG abuse tools/applications)

Scarlet/Violet Specifics:
  • 6 IV shiny rare form Tandemaus and Dudunsparce from Wild/Egg encounters.
  • Shiny Pokémon from Eggs/Raids/Gifts that qualify for the Jumbo OR Teensy mark.
  • Pokémon from Static encounters that qualify for the Jumbo OR Teensy mark.
  • Mystery Gift redemptions with random that qualify for the Jumbo OR Teensy mark obtained before Feb 27th 2023.
Mystery Gifts that are forced to qualify for the Jumbo/Teensy mark can be traded as normal.

Click here for details on creating a proof album in any game! (Proofing Checklist)