Cloning Information
This page contains a list of PS! Wi-Fi room cloners, these users can be approached to ask for cloning services.
Do NOT send offline messages requesting cloning to any of these users, you may be restricted from cloning services for a period of time if this occurs.
Be sure to check the Showdown status of a user, sometimes cloners will change their status to indicate they are not currently cloning. You can view a users status by clicking their name in the userlist. In the event that a cloner has their status set to indicate they are not currently cloning, avoid messaging them with requests.
Wondering what cloners do, or hoping to become an approved cloner?
PS! Wi-Fi permits the use of cloning for legitimate Pokémon. Cloning is essentially of copy/pasting existing Pokémon data in order to have multiple copies. If done correctly, the Pokémon data will not be altered, thus remaining legitimate by PS Wi-Fi standards.
Cloning methods that alter Pokémon data in any way is strictly banned and will render the Pokémon as illegitimate/hacked.
Supported Games:
- Scarlet & Violet
- Sword & Shield
- Legends: Arceus
- Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee
How to apply:
Contact a member of Wi-Fi Room Staff when you see them available in the room to request the approved cloners form, only do so if you have a suitable cloning method (allowed methods are listed towards the bottom of this page).
We do not support or condone using cloned Pokémon in official competitions. Do not use cloned Pokémon in battle or in trades with those who are unaware cloned Pokémon are in use.
Approved Cloners Must:
- Have a solid grasp of room and proof rules.
- Use a cloning method that allows for quick and efficient hack checks.
- Be able to identify a hacked or illegal Pokémon reliably.
- Be an active and positive presence in the room for an extended period of time. (Activity should be continued after joining the approved cloner team)
Room and proof rule knowledge and hack checking competency will be tested before you are approved for cloning! This is an open-book test so you will be able to refer to any information you need while the test is ongoing.
Important Information:
- Poor behaviour or extended hiatus from cloning will result in removal from our approved cloning team.
- Cloners must not give away Pokémon for free when negotiating trades or cloning, keep trade offers fair to support the trade economy.
- Cloners may be given privileged access to information and resources (including Pokémon), abuse of privileged positioning will result in removal.
- Scamming or trading hacked Pokémon in a position of trust will result in immediate removal and room punishment.
- If you need a second opinion on a hack check, approach a member of
. (% or higher) - If you get a suspicious cloning request, clone the Pokémon, return it, then approach a
member with the Pokémon and logs of the conversation.
Looking for the Proofing Guidelines? Click me!
Approvable Cloning Methods
This section of the page will cover all the cloning methods we allow, and which ones are immediately disallowed.
- PKHeX - We allow and recommend cloning using PKHeX as the tool is widely known and accepted for making accurate clones of Pokémon when used responsibly.
- Livehex - This is a plugin that communicates with PKHeX and your console which allows the capability to clone while the game is running.
It is extremely important to not misuse any of the above mentioned tools, as this will most definitely result in removal from the cloning team and/or room punishment!
- Action Replay.
- Powersaves.
- God Eggs.
- Other alternative cheating engines, tools, or glitches.
- Someone else's tool; for example, a bot.
- Anything not mentioned in the approved methods sections.
I don't want to be a cloner! Send me home!